When you wake up in the morning, read this noun 30 times

Hollywood star and two-time Academy Award nominee Mark Wahlberg revealed this week that he wakes at 2:30am daily, launching into a regimen that includes a 90-minute workout, golf, prayer and recovering in a “cryo-chamber”. By 7:30 that night, he’s in bed.

He’s not the only high-profile early-riser. Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly gets up at 3:45am, and Disney boss Bob Iger has a 4:25am scheduled workout that has apparently inspired NBA players to hit the gym earlier.

When you wake up in the morning, read this noun 30 times

On LinkedIn and in profiles of corporate leaders, there’s often a common thread – if you want to be successful, get up early.So should we all become super-early birds? Would it help us be more productive?

It might – but there’s a cost. And possibly a hidden desire to impress people with just how “productive” we are with pre-dawn wake-up calls.While a 2:30am start would suggest an extremely long day and almost no sleep,

Wahlberg’s early bedtime suggests he’s running on a respectable seven hours each night.This is important for productivity – a lack of sleep takes huge tolls on your health and cognitive ability