The state of death

When the soul exits, the mouth of man opens. Lips cannot be stuck together at any cost. That is to say, it starts moving outside. This is the time when in a few seconds man sees Satan and the angels in front of him in the world. According to some words, if a person is virtuous, his mind guides his tongue to the word of martyrdom, and if a person is a kaafir, mushrik, baddin or worldly person, then his mind is confused. And in a state of awe, he follows the devil’s advice and tries his best to utter a few words with great difficulty.

All this happens so fast that the brain does not get a chance to think of the nonsense of the world. The human soul feels a tremendous pain as it exits, but it does not feel the pain, because the soul of the rest of the body, except the brain, gathers in its throat, and the body lies like a lifeless piece of flesh in which one There is no room for movement. In the end, the soul of the brain is also drawn. The eyes see the soul being carried away. Then begins the journey of human life in which the soul begins to feel the sigh of relief from the basements of suffering to the palaces of comfort as promised; he who has passed away never returns Because his soul is waiting for the hour in which he will be given his place in the world, O Barzakh. Why didn’t anyone die millions of years ago today? The soul of a believer is drawn like hair out of flour; the soul of a sinner is drawn like a cotton cloth lying on a thorny tree. Seize the soul and grant the vision of the Holy Prophet