Prophet Noah (peace be upon him)

Noah was about 950 years old. The hut he lived in was so small that when he slept, half of his body was inside and half of his body was outside. When Hazrat Azrael (as) came to capture the soul, he asked: Spent in a hut. Could you build a nice house if you wanted?

Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) replied: I have been waiting for you for so long. Malik Alamut said: There will come a time when people will be less than 100 years old and they will build big palaces. Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) said: (Such a short life) If I were in that time Do not raise your head from prostration only

One day a woman came to Mamun Mamun’s court and shouted, “My brother has died. He has left behind six hundred nobles. Let me be given my due.” Mamun was silent for a while He considered and calculated and said, “Your share becomes one Ashraf.” The woman was astonished to hear this.

And there will be one wife. The mother has one sixth part. One hundred nobles belong to the mother, one eighth part belongs to the wife. Seventy five nobles meet the wife. Will be distributed in


The share of sister to brother is double. For each brother there will be two nobles and for sister there will be one noble. ”When the woman was questioned, she said, The courtiers were stunned by Mamun’s accountability and understanding of the matter. The punishment for adultery was a woman from the Ghamid tribe (a branch of the Juhina tribe).

She also came and confessed four times that she had committed adultery and that she had an illegal pregnancy. Even before that, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said on his confession: But he said, “O Messenger of Allah, do you want to delay me like Ma’az?” I am pregnant with adultery.

Since there was a pregnancy with the confession, he did not give such a detailed interrogation as he did with Ma’az.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Well, if you do not believe me, then go after the pregnancy. He said, “Go and feed her and her.” Come after weaning.

Then she came after weaning and took a piece of bread with her. He opened a piece of bread for the child and showed it to the Holy Prophet (saw) and said: O Messenger of Allah! He then handed the child over to a man for upbringing and ordered his stoning.

Punishment of married adulterer in Islam! It is stoning. After such a punishment, will any eyewitness commit such an ugly sin?