A very special thing in henna is white hair that is black and long forever

Health must be good for the beauty of hair. It is important to eat a balanced diet for good health. Apples and other fruits and vegetables should be consumed more. Drinking milk regularly has a pleasant effect on the hair. Is useful Heat it slightly before applying the oil.

Before bathing and washing hair in the morning, take a little lemon juice and massage it into the roots of the hair. Then wash the hair with soap or shampoo. It is also useful for scalp. Put tamarind in water at night and keep it soaked and then wash your hair with this water in the morning. Then mix coconut oil in your hair. The hair will grow long, thick and shiny.

Dip one foot into warm paraffin. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Wash the scalp with this mixture. Grind one cup of black mash, half a cup of amla, half a cup of sukakai, two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds, four dried peel of lemon peel and grind all these ingredients into powder. Soak in hot water for half an hour and apply on head Apply. Wash head after five minutes. This will stop the hair from falling out

And they will grow taller and thicker. Soak 250 grams of fresh flower flowers in mustard oil overnight. In the morning file the flowers well and filter the oil. Apply this oil on the scalp about one hour before washing the head. Hair should grow long and thick. Will Grind a handful of fenugreek into a powder to lengthen hair.

Mix egg, coconut oil and papaya in it. Leave it on the hair for half an hour and wash the hair with a good herbal shampoo. For hair, add 210 ml of pure mustard oil, 110 ml of castor oil, mix and apply on hair. It makes hair long, thick, black and thick. For shiny hair, applying oil on the scalp one hour before bathing makes the hair shiny.

Steam in the hair. The hair will become like silk. Take two tablespoons of yogurt and one egg yolk and mix well. Mix this mixture well in the scalp. Wash hair after half an hour. Dry hair will become soft and it will have silky shine and beauty. Half. Take a cup of milk, mix an egg in it and beat it well until it starts foaming.

Apply it on the scalp and hair. Wash it off after a while. Women who apply henna on the scalp should mix a teaspoon of coconut oil in the henna mixture, otherwise the hair will look dry.

To make hair look beautiful, shiny and thick, apply one liter of sunflower oil, 15 ml of lavender oil, 10 ml of lemon oil and 5 ml of rose oil. This oil makes the hair long and shiny. 250 grams of Brahmi herb useful for hair beauty, 250 grams of Amla, 250 ml of sole oil. Grind them both and cook in sesame oil. ۔

Take the oil is ready. Apply this oil well in the hair half an hour before bathing then take a bath. Hair Extension Oil Amla 250 gm, Berg Wasma 150 gm, Berg Mahindi 150 gm, Soles Oil 100 ml, Beetroot Water 1 Liter, Water 1 Liter. Boil on fire. The fire should be light.

When the water is half burnt, add beetroot water and when all the water is burnt and only oil is left, gently rinse and put it in the bottle. This oil makes the hair very long. Hair oils are also helpful in shining the hair with the oil. Runns are needed to make the hair look silky and shiny.

They provide a good shield to protect the hair from pollution and sun damage. Apple hair run, malt vinegar 200 ml, lukewarm water 1 liter. Mix the two and apply on the hair. Dry the hair in a relatively warm room

This mixture will give the hair an attractive shine and golden color. It is also useful for greasy hair. Jowala Hair Runs, Malt Vinegar A cup of lukewarm water, a cup of malt vinegar and barley mixed in lukewarm water, when applied to the hair, it makes the hair soft, shiny and darkens the color of the hair. Wash the head with barley water (four parts water and one part barley)

Abuna Hair Runs, Baboona Flower (Powder) One Cup, Porcelain One Cup. Take Babuna Flower Powder and Porcelain. Make a paste of both of them. After massaging it well in hair, apply it for 30 minutes. Give

Then wash your head with lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice. Hair will become attractive. These runs can be used for all types of hair. Brush in long, thick and shiny hair. It is also important to know how to comb. Always brush your hair when it is dry. Brushing in wet hair causes split ends of the hair. Start brushing from the ends of

Tilt your head forward while brushing. This will increase blood flow to the scalp and create energy in the hair. For thin hair, a soft brush is required. For very long thick hair, a large brush with hard teeth is required.

Short or curly hair requires a narrow brush with an oblong rectangular head and a group of teeth at a distance. Never use a sharp toothbrush.

They injure the hair. Use a comb with teeth at a distance. The simple solution to combing tangled hair is to comb the ends of the hair