Women Is Not The Children Creating Machine

I was recently watching a Kathleen Lights’ “Trying To Like…Be a Mom For a Day” video and immediately I found inspiration to discuss this topic. I usually don’t click on these types of videos, but I found it an interesting premise since it’s widely known that Kathleen has always openly spoken about not having children. Towards the end of the video she explained that her followers and family members are always asking her

“when are you having children?”. You can see throughout the video that she struggled and towards the end she confirmed that she still wouldn’t want to start a family.

Women Is Not The Children Creating Machine

That’s when I got upset, seeing her become so overwhelmed by trying to explain that she doesn’t want children really got to me.Women DO NOT HAVE TO WANT, LIKE, OR HAVE CHILDREN.

It doesn’t make us any less of a woman to not have them, and while I’m on a roll, marriage either. There are couples that have been together for 10+ years and they’re happier than couples,,