Wise sayings of Hazrat Ali

Hazrat Ali (AS) said: Sit with the poor because it will increase your strength. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Trust every friend who has come to your aid in difficult times. Hazrat Ali Razi said: If you are proud of your knowledge, that is enough for ignorance. Hazrat Ali Razi said: If someone turns away from you and then he is afraid to meet you, never lose him because he loves you very much.

Hazrat Ali Razi said: We do not become bad by saying bad things to anyone, nor does every person show his character with his good tongue, not a reflection of others. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Experience saves man from wrong decision, but experience comes from wrong decision. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Mix with the people in such a way that if you die they will weep over you and if you go away they will wait for your arrival.


Hazrat Ali Razi said: He who turns away from the truth is destroyed. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Fear God wherever you are, always speak the truth even if it is bitter. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Three things destroy the faith. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Trust those people who can understand your three words. The pain hidden in your laughter, the love hidden in your anger, the hidden reason in your silence. Hazrat Ali Razi said: The fate of a person whose tongue goes bad also goes bad. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Never hurt anyone because even if you apologize, the pain in your heart remains, just like when you take a nail out of the wall, a hole remains. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Never rely on your physical strength and your wealth because illness and poverty do not take long to come. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Engage in building your character so much that you do not have time to criticize others. Hazrat Ali Razi said: When a child has any ailment or disease

So Allah forgives the sins of the mother of the child in return for the illness of this child. Hazrat Ali Razi said: In order to reach wherever the truth is, go into severe hardships. Hazrat Ali Razi said: To be angry at home is to destroy it. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Tell your friend so many secrets that if he is ready to be hostile to you tomorrow, he will not be able to harm you. Hazrat Ali Razi said: Do not tell him any of your secrets of which you have no secrets. Hazrat Ali Razi said: When you give something to your parents, give it in the same way as a slave presents something to his master. Hazrat Ali Razi said: This life is of two days, one day for you and the other day against you, do not be proud on the day when it is in your favor and be patient on the day when it is against you. God bless us all