Whenever blood relations show heart, remember Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)

* Whenever blood relations show heart, remember Hazrat Yusuf (as) whose brothers threw him into the well. *

* Whenever it seems that your parents are not supporting you, you must remember Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) who did not support them but supported those who threw them into the fire. *

* Whenever you feel that your body is in pain due to illness, remember only once before weeping that Hazrat Ayub was sicker than you. *

* Whenever you are in trouble or trouble, before you complain, you must remember Hazrat Yunus who lived in the belly of a fish and that trouble was bigger than your troubles. *

Whenever blood relations show heart, remember Hazrat Yusuf (as)

* If ever a false accusation or slander is made! So remember Ayesha once. *

* If you ever feel that you are left alone, then remember your father Adam once whom Allah created alone and then gave him a companion. If you do not despair, you will also have a companion. *

* If you never understand any of the commands of Allah, then remember Noah who built the ark without any question, but obeyed the command of Allah, then you should also obey. *

* And if ever your own relatives and friends make fun of you, then remember Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the leader of the Prophets. *

* Allah has put all the prophets to the test so that we can learn from their lives patience, perseverance, piety and perseverance. *

* Make the lives of your prophets your role models. Make them your ideal