The method of Salat Tasbeeh

A man came in the service of Hazrat Ali (RA) and began to ask with great politeness or Ali (RA)! I had a friend who passed away today. But he had been talking for a long time, as if we knew he might die. Does a person know before he dies? Is he going to die or not? Upon this, Hazrat Ali (RA) said: O man!

Remember, the seed of the realm of heaven, the realm of marriage and the realm of ‘Urwah has been ordained for every human being. Who informs him about the troubles, worries and time to come. Allah loves His servants. Humans consider death to be the name of the end. In fact, death is the name of leading a person to life.

Not the name of the end of death. Sometimes Allah shows divine dreams to remove the fear of death from His servants. So that the dying person may consider death as a new life and begin to correct himself before he dies. Try to improve yourself. Apologize for your guilt. The way he ever goes on a trip. So he prepares it. Collects his goods. Collect the goods of Barzakh in the same way. The man began to say, O Ali! What scenes do you see in this dream? Hazrat Ali (RA) said:

This scene is seen in this dream. That man is traveling. Her clothes are white. And in this journey and in this journey the man who lived with him is surely dead today. They look at it. And they say your journey is about to end. While man sees these people. Those who used to live with them did not disappear even after death. So man begins to be satisfied. So he is not afraid of death. So he began to say Yaali! If someone has such a dream, how will he know? Was it an inspired dream or a satanic one? So Hazrat Ali (RA) said: Whenever you dream like this, after dreaming you start getting scared, start getting upset, then understand that that dream is evil but after this dream you start getting satisfied and you love death. Began to happen. So to understand this dream is merciful