It was summer and she was dressed in bridal clothes

There was a room upstairs in the scorching heat of the year 2000. In the scorching heat of the day, she became a bride. Sweat-soaked bride, frightened by the arrival of politicians, was sitting in awe of the weather conditions. She used to pick up the blanket at night, but her father-in-law kept her upstairs room in the heat and waiting for her ten-year-old husband. The light of the decorated electric lamp was creating a strange atmosphere in the bright room.

The colorful light of the lamps would fall on the wings of the fan for a few hours and after a while the vision would disappear. Daughter-in-law’s words began to fade away. Daughter, consider this house as your home without any complaint. Your husband was determined to be your bride. I will not let it happen. Her service and love will win the hearts of all. Has seen you

God willing, you are looking very beautiful. Now wash your face, change your clothes and offer Fajr prayers. went. On the day of William, Mian Ji talked to Ashfaq Ahmed Sahib on the phone and ordered him to tell Ashfaq Sahib to say something which is only for me. The bride spoke to Ashfaq Sahib like this He said, “You are very lucky. You have got a very good husband. Don’t bother him by asking for money and do not serve him. This is your virtual god.” God willing, the bride ended her obedience. The bride knew that her husband was beautiful as well as arrogant.

But she was not happy, she was happy and she was determined to get married. In the past, the maid used to crave small things. Now, if the biggest thing comes out of her mouth, then it will be fulfilled. With her arrival, Honda CT came in the house. Now there were two vehicles in the house. Halima had brought a lot of fortune from Hajra.

Then the penance is won, the poverty is lost, today the maid has money, money, bank balance, land, everything is there. Name is done. Mian has become so financially strong that he is only interested in worshiping his Siva and Deity. Even today, the maid stays in the service from dawn till late at night. The service of a loving wife. Change the destiny and status of G