I am Syed Zadi

When I was standing in the street, a boy was wandering outside a house. I went to him and asked him who he was looking for. He said no one. Did not come I went to the house to listen to him and after a few moments I suddenly came out and I saw a boy coming out of the same house with his head bowed and quickly gave an envelope to the boy and ran home. The boy took the envelope and smiled a lot

And with that in mind, I walked away from him. According to my bad habit, I followed him. The boy stopped under a tree and he stopped. It turned out that he kissed this page some three to four times and applied it with his eyes and started reading. I was watching his face and movements from a distance and he was busy with his speculations. And fell unconscious. I ran to him and took the sheet from his hand and began to read with curiosity. It was a letter that this girl wrote to her lover. Peace be upon you! O young man who has just stepped out of his mother’s lap and spit on her training, I believe in the love according to your thinking. So the claimant is true and mature and you will also be faithful to bring it to completion, because this love began with the meeting of the eyes and will end with the meeting of the body, because my mother gave her son Abdul Rasool a Day said Thabita, this look is one of the arrows of the devil and when this arrow moves, its power sometimes destroys the whole family and then when its revenge turns, the word honor also bows its head and leaves the human settlement. Goes out Therefore, this eye can only see the face of its beautiful Prophet

Waiting for the Day of Judgment, otherwise do not embarrass your mother in the presence of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). I am a daughter of Syed who understands Hur and I belong to the tribe of Aman Fatima who will be the leader of all the women of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection. If I fall in love with you, will I not be allowed to come even close to heaven? As for the question that you have invited me to meet under this tree in the garden last evening, I would also come there but I will take a promise from you that you bring your sister Gaddy along and I will bring my brother. Because in your eyes. The most honorable woman in the world is your doll sister and in my brother’s eyes I am the most honorable woman in the world. This way the misunderstanding between the two men will be removed Sharif will not understand our future lovers like this

It will be a pity that either they will stay away from this sin because of us or they will have all kinds of conveniences. No brother will stop his sister from meeting her under a tree in the garden at 3 o’clock in the morning. Sin will become so common then the definition of the word honor will be understood by all that not letting anyone look up towards one’s sister is not honor but stopping one’s eyes from moving towards one’s sister is called honor. O my Good lover! You have done nothing but the smell of lust in the one who loves. Your mother did not teach you the Qur’an in which the humility of the believer is mentioned. You must have got angry after reading my words why I mentioned your sister but it is a matter of faith. Understanding is the result of dirty thinking and training. Haven’t you read this saying of Hazrat Ali:

This is how thinking builds faith. ”Is the faith you have a show? The lost young man wrote a letter and called under the same tree but at the same time as I am giving you the letter your sister also gave him the letter and replied to her love that she will love him these words and conditions With what I am writing to you, if you accept all these words of mine, then go and go and allow Gaddy to do what you want me to do, because I have written the same words to Gaddy with this boy. And if I had not done that, the boy would not have come to the right path and your sister would have gone astray. Now the last two things that you should promise your God. This reward has created a lesson in action. And I saved your sister from the evil way. Also Will

If you want to persist in your sin, then remember that this time Allah has given you four sisters and one mother. I will also pray to Allah that Allah will save you and your family from error and such sin and you Repent to Allah too. This is my first letter of love in which I confess that I love Allah and His Beloved.