4 walking paradise in the world

4 walking paradises in the world! Who are these people that nothing can stop them from going to Paradise?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: O Omar! Nothing can stop him from going to heaven. Hazrat Omar asked who is the Holy Prophet?

The Holy Prophet (saw) said: 1. A woman who showers all her love on her husband and she dies while her husband is pleased with her, nothing can stop her from going to heaven.

2- The second person who has more children, less sources of income. But he has never allowed a morsel of haraam to enter his children’s stomachs. Nothing can stop him from going to Paradise on the Day of Resurrection.

3- The third is the person who treats his parents kindly and his parents are happy with him and agree with him.

4- The fourth is the person who made such true repentance that it was so difficult for him to return to sins as the milk from the udder of an animal cannot be returned. The one who serves the parents, the one who pleases the parents is really lucky and those who are deprived of this honor are the unlucky ones. Respect your parents, there is paradise under mother’s feet, then father is the key to this paradise. If you want to improve both your life and the hereafter, do not be angry with your parents and always keep them happy