Respect for the name “Muhammad” (S.A.W)

There was an article in the guardian “Muhammad: the truth about Britain’s most misunderstood name”.Which emphasized that although the name Muhammad is an undeniably popular name,many people would just like to shed it and go by another name.This was after” Muhammad” became the most popular name of boys in britain last year.

Surprisingly , Some Men feel ashamed to be called a name which emphasizes your religion infact they prefer to be called just ” Mo” instead of Muhammad .Some even claim that Parents who name their child Muhammad have lost their creative pursuit of naming .

Many people don’t know why is their name Muhammad.A lot of people who are going by this blessed name just for keeping with the tradition,need to retrospect.And I bet after learning the virtues of this name,You will feel proud of this name .

It is the infant’s vested right to be honoured with a good name. When choosing a name for the child, it should be done with the intention that the child will be blessed with the barakah of that name. Here are some Ahadeeth to show the importance of selecting a good and correct name .Let us first see the meaning of the name “Muhammad”.
Meaning of the name Muhammad

“Muhammad “Means “praiseworthy”, it is derived from Arabic حمد (hamid) “to praise”.It is advisable to name our child Muhammad .
Virtues of the name Muhammad

Ibn Asakir and Hussain Ibn Ahmad has stated that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam said, “If a son is born to you and out of love and respect for me and to obtain the blessings of my name, you keep the child’s name ‘Muhammad’, then the father and child will both enter Jannah

Respect for the name "Muhammad"