How to Remove Negative Energy from Your Home and Body

Negative energy can be difficult to identify, but it can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. Fortunately, removing negative energy is fairly easy.

The first step is to cleanse your home with salt. You can do this by sprinkling salt in every corner of your home or by placing an entire sheet of salt across the threshold of all entrances into your home. Once you’ve done this, you should make sure to vacuum any excess salt up. You’ll also want to do this with each room in the house if possible.

Next, you’ll want to cleanse yourself by using cleansing essentials like sage or lavender oil and a smudge stick for example. These items are available at most metaphysical stores or online shops that sell spiritual supplies and they can be used

The negative energy that surrounds your home can have a negative effect on your health. It can also affect the health of your loved ones and pets.
It is important to cleanse your home and body of this energy in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are many ways that you can do this, like with salt or essential oils.


Negative energy can come from many sources. It could be the result of a traumatic event or just the result of living in a busy city with lots of noise and pollution. Whatever the reason, negative energy can have a serious impact on your life.

It is important to cleanse your home and body regularly to remove any negative energy that might be lingering around. You can do this by using salt or other cleansing essentials like sage, lavender, and frankincense