In the time of Hazrat Ali (RA) a young girl dressed as a girl

It is narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas that when he reached the mosque for the prayer of Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), he saw a man sleeping in the mihrab. I am the body of a beheaded man

Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was astonished to see that he did not understand what was the matter and how it got here in Lazwal. Or did you say that Allah Almighty should bury him and wait for him, then one will see, then at that time in front of everyone, the news of this matter has already been awaited in the same place where some time ago The decapitated body of a beheaded man was found. From the same altar came the sound of a baby crying.

Doubt Allah’s Messenger is also true and his name is also true now. He said that an Ansari should be arranged for this child. He ordered her to be taken to the mosque, saying that the woman who loves this child and says that this woman will be brought to me or you

took hold of her foot and said that Amir al-mu’minin may Allah be pleased with him. Don’t take him in front of me. I will be ashamed. Brother did not agree to leave him

After all, the girl was lured by work, money and gifts and said that Hazrat Ali (RA) did not get anything to ask and thus more than that was done, he promised that Hazrat Ali (RA) should be I will not say anything in front of Allah Almighty. She came to the service of Allah Almighty and asked for help. She is saying that this young girl came and you grabbed her skirt. This girl begged in front of you and gave me greed for reward.

And you asked and you promised that on the day of Eid-ul-Adha I will again have this child for which the girl will give me many rewards. I will definitely take her in my lap to Hazrat Ali (RA). The girl did not mean that