King And 3 Daughters

A king announced that a person who was caught lying would be fined five dinars. The people began to fear in front of each other that if they were caught lying they would not be fined. The king and the minister disguised themselves in the city. I started walking around. When I got tired, I stayed with a merchant to rest. He drank tea for both of them. The king asked the merchant: How old are you? ”The merchant said,“ 20 years. “” How much wealth do you have? “So Jarne said …

70,000 dinars. The king asked: “How many children do you have?” The merchant replied, “One.” When they returned, they checked the businessman’s data and property in the government office, which was different from his statement. The king summoned the businessman to the court and repeated the same three questions. The merchant gave the same answers. The king said to the minister, “Impose a fine of fifteen dinars on him and deposit it in the public treasury, for he has told three lies. He is 35 years old in the official papers. He has more than 70,000 dinars.” Is,

And he has five sons. “The merchant said:” Only 20 years of my life have been spent in goodness and honesty. That is what I consider to be my age. I consider my wealth and four children are incompetent and immoral, one child is good, this is what I consider my child. On hearing this, the king withdrew the fine and said to the merchant: We are happy with your answer. Time is the only thing that counts. The one who spends in good deeds, the only one who is trustworthy is the one who spends in the way of God and the children are the ones whose habits are good